
Écrasons la faim ensemble!

September is Hunger Action Month – it's time to mobilize and squash hunger together. Hunger is a serious problem in our community. Nutritious food is the foundation for a healthy productive life and without [...]

Écrasons la faim ensemble!2021-07-09T09:48:11-07:00

La Saint-Valentin est pour #FoodBankLove: un récapitulatif de la distribution des récoltes familiales des employés

To continue the employee volunteer tradition that began a few years ago and in order to share some #FoodBankLove on Valentine's Day, Second Harvest employees from all departments and functions volunteered [...]

La Saint-Valentin est pour #FoodBankLove: un récapitulatif de la distribution des récoltes familiales des employés2021-10-29T14:48:57-07:00