You Can Help Your Local Food Bank
Did you know you can host a community fundraiser to help build a hunger-free community? When you host a community fundraiser, you are fundraising online for your local food bank, asking friends, family and co-workers to support your fundraiser.

Our fundraisers have done some incredible things to ensure everyone has access to nutritious food. They’re sharing new ideas every day. What’s yours? Check out these creative drives for Second Harvest of Silicon Valley that left a lasting impression:
1.) You Can Celebrate By Giving Back
Rodin’s 13th birthday wish meant more than just blowing out candles this year. In place of gifts, Rodin asked for donations to his local food bank, Second Harvest, to give back to his community. With support from his friends and family, he celebrated by helping provide enough food for more than 950 meals.

2.) You Can Share Your Talent
Hillview Middle School hosted a virtual talent show in which students recorded their acts at home and live-streamed the show to YouTube. Viewers donated the cost of admission to their local food bank, Second Harvest, and were encouraged to give more during the event. Watch the talent show here.
3.) You Can Paint A Brighter Future
Evergreen School District hosted an art competition as a fundraiser for Second Harvest of Silicon Valley. The competition raised $18,437 and helped provide nearly 37,000 meals to local families.

4.) You Can Make A Splash For Your Community
Giving back is an annual tradition for kids and families at swim coach Kaleb’s local pool. He turned their yearly swim-a-thon into a virtual food drive to support their local food bank, Second Harvest. The swim-a-thon fundraiser helped provide enough food for more than 47,000 meals in their community.
“This year, adding a sponsor sheet really made a difference in hitting our goal, and our message was clear: Swimming can have a positive impact on bodies AND communities.” – Kaleb, swim coach virtual food drive coordinator
5.) You Can Rally Around Your Passion
The 3rdRail9ers started tailgating at Candlestick Park in the ’80s. Now their tailgate includes giving back. Their drive helped provide more than 3,500 meals to their local community.
Kids, parents, schools, community groups and clubs all help to make this possible; anyone can fundraise, including you!

“We have an amazing group of friends and fans, old and new, that visit our tailgate. We knew they would step up and support us with this cause, and we were so right!” – Cyndi Kelly, 3rdRail9ers virtual food drive coordinator
The possibilities are limitless
Need inspiration? Check out the get creative page and toolkit to spark your imagination.
For additional help to get started: call 866-234-3663 or email