터키 트로트 자원봉사

터키 트로트에 참여하세요

Volunteer registration is now open! Race day is Thanksgiving Day, November 28, and the Chegg EXPO at Sports Basement Sunnyvale is November 23 through November 27. Find 경주에 대해 자세히 알아보거나 트로트에 등록하세요. svturkeytrot.com.

Thank you to all the supporters, volunteers and participants who made the 2023 Turkey Trot such a great success. We hope you’ll join us again this year!

We are always in need of volunteers to help our neighbors get the nutritious food they need. Volunteer at a community food distribution, or sort food at our Cypress and Curtner warehouses in San Jose.


터키 트로트의 장점:

  • 건강한 어린이 재단
  • 건강 신탁
  • 실리콘 밸리의 두 번째 수확
  • Santa Cruz 카운티의 Second Harvest Food Bank