Many people wonder why so many Silicon Valley households are struggling with food insecurity when the local job market is strong. Second Harvest of Silicon Valley serves an astonishing 1 [...]
실리콘밸리의 낮은 실업률은 생활비 위기를 숨긴다 실리콘 밸리의 두 번째 수확2024-02-23T11:04:51-08:00
Sulma’s 1-year-old daughter plays and coos on her lap as she watches her 5-year-old son Jefferson play with his two cousins in their apartment in San Mateo. Every week, Sulma [...]
팬데믹 상황 속에서도 회복력이 뛰어난 두 아이의 일하는 엄마 - 술마의 이야기크리스틴 헤스 데오2022-04-25T11:22:42-07:00
Fletcher is often the first client to arrive at the free grocery site at Mid-Peninsula Hispanic Outreach Ministry in San Mateo. “I’m usually the first one in line [...]
“나는 항상 사람들에게 먹이를 주고 있어요” – 플레처의 이야기크리스틴 헤스 데오2022-04-25T11:24:42-07:00