
East San Jose Cultural Center는 활기 넘치는 커뮤니티 허브를 무료 식료품 유통 사이트로 전환합니다.

In March of 2020, our partner, the School of Arts of Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza (SoAC), was gearing up to celebrate their annual César Chávez celebration as the pandemic [...]

East San Jose Cultural Center는 활기 넘치는 커뮤니티 허브를 무료 식료품 유통 사이트로 전환합니다.2021-11-15T15:15:35-08:00

2019년 지식의 수확 요약

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM8FKCqTulI&yt%3Acc=on On Friday, May 3, Second Harvest hosted its 2019 Harvest of Knowledge Partner Conference at the Oracle Conference Center in Redwood City. The event was a success with [...]

2019년 지식의 수확 요약2021-10-29T14:44:58-07:00