50 Years Neighbors Helping Neighbors

For decades, Second Harvest has provided nutritious food during crises, relying on volunteers and donations to address both immediate needs and long-term hunger solutions.

Second Harvest는 현재 평균 약 매월 500,000명.

지역사회, 고객, 파트너, 직원의 관점에서 푸드뱅크 이야기를 읽어보세요.

Community Fundraisers, From Then to Now

Community Fundraisers, From Then to Now

50 Years of Neighbors Helping Neighbors

50 Years of Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley Appoints Two New Board Members

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley Appoints Two New Board Members

Demand-Gen 135,000

아이들은 매달 평균적으로 서비스를 받습니다.

Strengthening Community Health Through Medical Partnerships 

Strengthening Community Health Through Medical Partnerships 

Video: Nourishing Your Relationship with Food

Video: Nourishing Your Relationship with Food

College Hunger: Food Insecurity is a Reality Across Campuses

College Hunger: Food Insecurity is a Reality Across Campuses

New Summer Food Program “SUN Bucks” Will Help Families With Children Purchase Food This Summer

New Summer Food Program “SUN Bucks” Will Help Families With Children Purchase Food This Summer

기부 오늘

기록적인 높은 인플레이션과 치솟는 휘발유 가격으로 인해 지역 가족들이 큰 타격을 입고 있으며 더 많은 사람들이 푸드 뱅크에 지원을 요청하고 있습니다. 오늘 기부하고 실리콘 밸리의 이웃에게 중요한 지원을 제공하도록 도와주세요.

숙박 고리

업데이트 등을 보려면 이메일을 구독하세요.