
每年,加利福尼亚人将近 600 万吨食物垃圾送往垃圾填埋场,而硅谷四分之一的人面临粮食不安全的风险。捐赠食物会将原本会被浪费掉的可食用食物重新分配给我们社区中数以千计没有足够食物的当地家庭。

除了满足 SB 1383* 的要求外,与硅谷的 Second Harvest 合作还有一系列好处。

参议院第 1383 号法案是一项州法律,旨在减少垃圾填埋场中有机废物的处理,包括食品,以减少温室气体排放和对抗有害污染。

SB 1383 将食物生成器分为两层:

• 食品批发商
• 食品经销商
• 食品服务供应商

• 酒店内设有餐饮设施
• 餐厅设施
• 提供现场食品设施的医疗服务提供者
• 国家机构食堂
• 有现场食品设施的机构
• 大型场地或活动

有关 SB 1383 合规性的问题?立即与我们的团队联系。

致电 408-266-8866,分机 4 联系我们的食品采购团队。 102
给我们发电子邮件至 fooddonor@shfb.org

Steve dropping off rescued groceries



Truck palette being loaded



Woman picking oranges in orchard


由于圣克拉拉县的果蝇检疫,我们的仓库目前无法接受后院产品。如果您在收获后院农产品时需要帮助,请联系 Village Harvest: 888-378-4841.


Team member preparing food trays


虽然我们无法接受预制或餐饮食品,但我们可以将您与我们当地的合作伙伴机构之一联系起来,或将您引导至 MealConnect 平台。

Team accepting walk-in food donation


虽然我们的罐头食品推动计划已经结束,并且我们不再有可用的收集桶,但 Second Harvest 周一至周五上午 9:30 至下午 4:30 在我们的 Cypress、Bing 和 Curtner 仓库接受未过期、不易腐烂食品的捐赠


• 罐装金枪鱼、鸡肉或鲑鱼
• 果汁或水罐装水果
• 蔬菜罐头,低钠或无钠
• 罐装低钠食品(汤、炖辣椒)
• 带易拉盖的罐头食品
• 橄榄油或菜籽油
• 香料(肉桂、辣椒粉、孜然、无盐混合香料)
• 低糖全麦谷物
• 健康零食(燕麦棒、坚果、干果)
• 大米和干豆
• 花生酱

致电 408-266-8866,分机 4 联系我们的食品采购团队。 102
给我们发电子邮件至 fooddonor@shfb.org


The best way to support our work is to make a monetary donation, start a fundraiser or volunteer. However, we know some people prefer the option to make a tangible donation of food items to Second Harvest, and we deeply appreciate your generosity. We accept walk-in food donations only. If you have unopened, unexpired nonperishable items to donate, we will accept them at three of our warehouses (Bing Center in San Carlos, Cypress Center in North San Jose and Curtner Center in South San Jose) on weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please no glass containers.

We are happy to assist you with 开始筹款活动 或将您连接到 志愿者机会.


– 金枪鱼罐头、鸡肉罐头或鲑鱼罐头
- 花生酱
– 罐头餐(汤、炖辣椒)
– 低钠蔬菜罐头
– 罐装水果,含果汁或水
– 橄榄油或菜籽油
– 香料(肉桂、辣椒粉、孜然、无盐香料混合物)
– 带易拉盖的罐头食品
– 低糖全麦谷物
– 健康零食(燕麦棒、坚果、干果)
– 米饭和干豆

– 盥洗用品(全新且密封),包括:
- 牙膏
– 原包装牙刷
– 肥皂和洗发水
– 女性卫生用品
– 婴儿配方奶粉(不能过期,最好剩余使用时间至少为 3 个月)
– 尿布
– 纸巾
- 卫生纸
– 可重复使用的手提袋
– 洗衣粉

如果您对食品捐赠还有其他疑问,请联系我们的食品采购团队,电话:408-266-8866,分机号 11。 102.

We have ended our canned food drive program. After a thorough analysis, we concluded the cost and labor required to sustain the program was too expensive for the food bank to manage. The majority of the food we source is donated by growers, retailers and manufacturers, and the rest we are able to acquire through bulk purchasing at prices far below retail. By sourcing large quantities of food at a time, we can control the variety and quality of items we get, process them more quickly and efficiently, and ensure our clients get a consistent mix of nutritious food.

支持我们工作的最好方式是 金钱捐赠, start a fundraiser 要么 志愿者。我们很乐意协助您发起虚拟食品活动或为您提供志愿者机会。

We have ended our canned food drive program and are no longer collecting food in the community. After a thorough analysis, we concluded the cost and labor required to sustain the program is more expensive for the food bank to manage than acquiring the food ourselves.

我们每周日上午 9:30 至凌晨 4:30 在我们的三个仓库(圣卡洛斯的 Bing 中心、北圣何塞的 Cypress 中心和南圣何塞的 Curtner 中心)接受未开封、未过期、不易腐烂物品的上门食品捐赠pm 请不要使用玻璃容器。

如果您对食品捐赠还有其他疑问,请联系我们的食品采购团队,电话:408-266-8866,分机号 11。 102.

• We are required to inspect backyard produce before accepting it to ensure there are no leaves or branches or any damage. Given the operational changes we have made to be able to meet the increased need in our community, our inventory, warehouse and front office teams do not have the staff or bandwidth to support this process.
• Backyard produce is perishable, which requires a faster turnaround and higher potential for waste. Having to quickly distribute these items is difficult, and it can interrupt current processes that place a burden on our staff.
• We are still accepting gleaned produce from Village Harvest.

The best way to support our work is to make a monetary donation, start a fundraiser or volunteer. With monetary donations, we are able to purchase food at bulk prices so dollars go further. For instance, purchasing a 10-pound turkey at a local grocery store costs approximately $15 and will help provide one family with protein for a few meals. That same $15 donated to Second Harvest would help provide enough food for 30 meals.We will accept walk-in frozen turkey donations this holiday season. Please note we cannot accept fresh/non-frozen turkeys due to safety and handling concerns. You can drop off your donation of frozen turkeys on weekdays at:

• Bing Center in San Carlos from 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1pm – 4:30 p.m.
• Cypress Center in North San Jose from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
• Curtner Center in South San Jose weekdays from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Please note that we are not accepting food at our docks, as those are reserved for large-scale deliveries.