You Can Help Your Local Food Bank Did you know you can host a community fundraiser to help build a hunger-free community? When you host a community fundraiser, [...]
5 Fun Community Fundraisersemily petermann2024-12-13T10:58:56-08:00
When the pandemic froze our economy, it overwhelmed our clients already struggling to make ends meet in one of the most expensive places in the country. As service workers and [...]
Lo que nos enseñó la pandemia sobre el suministro de alimentos de calidadSegunda cosecha de Silicon Valley2021-11-15T16: 09: 22-08: 00
Second Harvest’s supporters believe in our efficiency and the essential role we play in feeding our communities. Donors can maximize their contributions by signing up for monthly giving during [...]
Students across the Bay Area compete to fill barrels of non-perishable food during the Fundraiser and Food Drive season, but many never get to see how their contributions reach [...]
The holidays can be a magical time filled with festive gatherings, family traditions and abundant food. However, many find the season to be a painful reminder that budgets are [...]
5 razones por las que amarás nuestra nueva página de recaudación de fondosSegunda cosecha de Silicon Valley2021-11-15T11: 11: 32-08: 00
‘Tis the season of giving! We are so grateful for the many community groups and local businesses that support our work and help our neighbors in need this holiday [...]