Sécurité de la volaille
How to handle and cook poultry safely: Use these best practices in your home when handling, defrosting, cooking and storing poultry. Download flyer (English | Español | Tiếng Việt [...]
How to handle and cook poultry safely: Use these best practices in your home when handling, defrosting, cooking and storing poultry. Download flyer (English | Español | Tiếng Việt [...]
Mindful tips to reduce food waste and make the most out of your groceries: Rotate your foods in the fridge and pantry; Meal prep for the week; and more. [...]
Breastfeeding is a great way to connect and nourish your growing baby. Learn about the importance of breastfeeding, the recommended vitamins and minerals your body needs, and some simple snack [...]
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley lance un appel urgent aux dons monétaires alors que la demande pour ses services continue d'augmenter pour atteindre des niveaux pandémiques proches du pic. Les dons financiers ont chuté de 37% par rapport à il y a deux ans, lorsque le nombre de personnes desservies par la banque alimentaire était similaire.
Une enquête récente auprès des clients de Second Harvest of Silicon Valley montre que l'augmentation des coûts et les prix élevés de l'essence pèsent lourdement sur les familles locales, 93% signalant qu'ils ont acheté moins de nourriture en raison de l'impact de l'inflation.
The pandemic has affected us in ways that we see in the news every day: high gas prices, record inflation, and supply chain problems. But a hidden result of [...]
No one ever expects to have to ask for help — most people exhaust their resources before taking this step. But the financial devastation caused by the pandemic, along [...]
Une enquête récente auprès des clients de Second Harvest of Silicon Valley montre que l'augmentation des coûts et les prix élevés de l'essence pèsent lourdement sur les familles locales, 93% signalant qu'ils ont acheté moins de nourriture en raison de l'impact de l'inflation.
One of the best ways to reduce food waste is by understanding the meaning behind food date labels, known as ‘expiration dates’ to most. This handout will help you [...]
These fun baby food recipes are filled with nutrient-dense foods that the food bank provides weekly. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create easy, low-cost, and tasty meals [...]