Влияние Ending hunger in our community Second Harvest is committed to doing whatever it takes to end hunger in our community. That means distributing nutritious food to nearly every neighborhood [...]
Ресурсы Resources Resources for your drive We want to help you make your drive a success. We have resources that will help you get organized [...]
Цитрусовый сладкий с апельсинами и брюссельской капустой Освежающий салат с апельсиновой брюссельской капустой Цитрусовый Брюссель
Подготовка к подаче заявления на CalFresh Preparing for your CalFresh Application Get ready for your CalFresh application by reviewing what documents are needed and bringing them to your appointment with Second Harvest. These are [...]
Ресурсы для партнеров Partner Resource Library Working together to build a hunger-free community Use the tool below to search, filter and download the resources you need to enable your critical [...]
Защищено: Employment & Culture Это содержимое защищено паролем. Для его просмотра введите, пожалуйста, пароль: Пароль:
Один из последних уцелевших садов Кремниевой долины жертвует 92843 фунта апельсинов We received 92,843 pounds of oranges from Village Harvest this spring. They were sourced from Moitizo Orchards, a 14-acre farm in San Jose. That is about 2.5 truckloads full [...]
Апельсин - самый счастливый цвет: пожертвование свежих продуктов At the end of May, our partner Village Harvest, a nonprofit volunteer organization that harvests fruit from backyards and small orchards to feed those in need, informed us there was [...]