Second Harvest’s summer meals locator tool makes it easy for families
to find a convenient meal location close to home


  • 现在提供免费夏季餐,任何 18 岁或以下的儿童都可以在圣克拉拉县和圣马特奥县的 70 多个地点获得营养餐 - 无需注册。
  • At some sites, parents and guardians are also eligible to receive low to no-cost meals to eat alongside their children.
  • Second Harvest’s online locator tool makes it easier than ever to find a convenient summer meals site. Visit
  • For additional help finding a summer meals site, text “Summer” for English, “Verano” for Spanish, “Muahe” for Vietnamese, “夏天” for Chinese or “Лeto” for Russian to 876-876 or visit

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 16, 2023 — During the summer months, thousands of low-income children in our community face increased risk of hunger when they lose access to the free meals they receive during the school year. With food insecurity on the rise again due to the end of pandemic-era CalFresh benefits, layoffs, as well as record-high housing and food prices, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is working to raise awareness of the federally-funded summer meals program so every child who needs a nutritious meal can receive one.

Any child 18 or younger can get a free nutritious meal at summer meal sites in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties with no advance registration or documentation required. Select locations will additionally offer free breakfast and afternoon snacks for children. The food bank is collaborating with school districts, libraries, community centers, summer camps, social service organizations and other nonprofits to promote the meals being served at their sites from June until the second week of August. This year, meals must be eaten on site.

To make it easy for families to find a summer meals location near them, Second Harvest has launched a free summer meals locator tool on its website. Families can go to and enter their address, city or zip code. A map with icons will show the closest summer meals sites with real-time updates to reflect schedule changes. When users click on the icon, they see location details, meal times and contact information. At some sites, parents and guardians are also eligible to receive low to no-cost meals to eat alongside their children.

“Free summer meals are especially important during this time of increased need in our community when we see more families tightening their food budgets in response to inflation, rising food costs and recent cuts to their CalFresh benefits,” said Leslie Bacho, CEO of Second Harvest. “Many of the most vulnerable members of our community, including the 1 in 3 kids in Silicon Valley who are at risk of food insecurity, are being impacted by economic and policy changes that are outside of their control and we want to do everything we can to ensure they have the nutritious food they need to grow and thrive during the summer and all year around.”

夏季膳食很重要,因为 学习 show that kids who don’t get enough nutritious food to eat have trouble concentrating, are sick more often, and are more likely to suffer emotional and physical effects that can last a lifetime. They are also at risk for what educators call the “summer slide,” where students lose ground academically when they are not in school.

联邦政府资助的 夏季食品服务计划 旨在取代学校早餐和午餐,填补夏季成千上万儿童的营养缺口。夏季食品服务计划由美国农业部食品和营养服务部资助并由州管理,向学校、图书馆和夏令营等午餐供应商提供补偿,这些供应商为低收入地区的儿童和青少年提供免费健康膳食和小吃。

For more information about Free summer meals or food assistance:
In addition to the summer meals locator tool online, families who need help finding a site serving summer meals near them can text “Summer” for English, “Verano” for Spanish, “Muahe” for Vietnamese, “夏天” for Chinese or “Лeto” for Russian to 876-876. For help accessing other food resources and assistance, call Second Harvest’s multilingual Food Connection hotline at 800-984-3663 或访问 to use the Food Locator tool to find free grocery sites.


Second Harvest of Silicon Valley 成立于 1974 年,是美国最大的食品银行之一,也是消除当地饥饿方面值得信赖的非营利组织领导者。该组织通过圣克拉拉县和圣马特奥县 900 多个地点的近 400 个合作伙伴组成的网络分发营养食品。由于硅谷昂贵的生活成本以及大流行时期政府支持的大幅减少,Second Harvest 每月平均为约 50 万人提供服务。 Second Harvest 还将人们与联邦营养计划和其他食品资源联系起来,并倡导地方、州和国家各级的反饥饿政策。要了解有关 Second Harvest 如何满足硅谷巨大需求的更多信息,请访问

If you are a member of the media covering issues related to hunger in Silicon Valley, we can provide expert spokespeople who can talk about the local landscape.

Media please contact Diane Baker Hayward at 要么 408-266-8866,分机。 368。
