Temps de préparation: 5 minutes
Temps de cuisson: 5 minutes
Temps total: 10 minutes
- 1/2 tasse de tomates concassées
- 1/3 tasse de pois chiches
- 1 cuillère à soupe d'oignon haché
- 1 cuillère à soupe de poivron haché
- 1/2 cuillère à soupe de persil haché
- 1/2 cuillère à soupe de coriandre hachée
- 1/8 cuillère à café de cumin
- 1 oeuf
- Pincée de sel
- Lemon to taste
Shakshuka is a hearty and delicious North African dish. It consists of eggs topped in a deliciously spiced onion-tomato base. We love how easy it is to make with simple ingredients – and ready in the microwave in just a few minutes.
- 1. In a microwave safe bowl, mix crushed tomatoes, chickpeas, onion, bell pepper, cumin, cilantro, parsley and salt.
- 2. Gently crack an egg in the middle.
- 3. Cover with plastic wrap.
- 4. Microwave for 2-4 minutes, or until the egg is cooked to your liking.
- 5. Sprinkle with extra parsley and squeeze lemon juice.
- 6. Enjoy with toast or on its own.
Remarque: Si vous utilisez de la salsa, vous pouvez sauter l'oignon, le poivron, la coriandre et le persil supplémentaires.