How You Can Help Divert Food Waste Take action on climate change in your own kitchen today. It will not only save you money and keep your space organized, but a small amount of effort can make a big difference in our world.
Garden Vegetables with Fluffy Rice Carrot Brown Rice Spinach Rice Green Bell Pepper Onion Bell Pepper Rice Vegetables
Food Sharing Lab: Focusing on Abundance and Inclusion Taking a page from the Silicon Valley playbook, Second Harvest is investing in innovation and utilizing design thinking to include clients in creating innovative solutions to solve for hunger [...]
Building Community and Friendships Around Food At Bella Terra Apartments, residents get together to enjoy fun conversations around food, participate in events organized by management and often cook for each other.
Colleen Murphy: Celebrating 10 Years of Fighting Hunger Ten years ago, on her birthday, Colleen received a phone call, informing her that she got a job at Second Harvest. With great excitement, she responded it was the best [...]
Schools are a Great Place to Reach Hungry Kids Oak Grove High School helps its students succeed with a monthly school pantry and rolling carts from Second Harvest. Read more about their impact on junior Alejandra.
One of the Last Surviving Orchards in Silicon Valley Donates 92,843 Pounds of Oranges We received 92,843 pounds of oranges from Village Harvest this spring. They were sourced from Moitizo Orchards, a 14-acre farm in San Jose. That is about 2.5 truckloads full [...]
Latin-Spiced Cauliflower Rice Cauliflower Cilantro Onion Bell Pepper Garlic cauliflower rice rice bowl
This Is Hunger: Together We Can Transform How It Is Into How It Should Be Recently, many of our staff attended the This is Hunger traveling exhibit organized by Mazon, a nonprofit whose goal is to end hunger among all faiths and backgrounds in the United States [...]