Formation sur la salubrité des aliments
Our 35-minute online Food Safety Training is available here for all partner agencies and grocery programs, along with their staff and volunteers who handle food. Once completed, this will fulfill [...]
Our 35-minute online Food Safety Training is available here for all partner agencies and grocery programs, along with their staff and volunteers who handle food. Once completed, this will fulfill [...]
Développer de bonnes compétences en matière de couteau peut vous faire gagner du temps et assurer votre sécurité lors de la préparation des aliments. Cette vidéo explique comment tenir solidement un couteau ainsi que les techniques de base pour hacher, couper en dés, hacher et couper en julienne une variété de produits, y compris la courge musquée ! Que vous révisiez les bases ou que vous appreniez à partir de zéro, cette vidéo sur les techniques de couteau vous permettra de découper comme un pro.
Refrigerated or frozen foods may not be safe to eat after the loss of power. Find out what you can do to keep food safe during a power outage, and [...]
How to handle and cook poultry safely: Use these best practices in your home when handling, defrosting, cooking and storing poultry. Download flyer (English | Español | Tiếng Việt [...]
Mindful tips to reduce food waste and make the most out of your groceries: Rotate your foods in the fridge and pantry; Meal prep for the week; and more. [...]
One of the best ways to reduce food waste is by understanding the meaning behind food date labels, known as ‘expiration dates’ to most. This handout will help you [...]
A food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food. Even a tiny amount of the allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms such [...]
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